A New Year = A New You…is that true?

A New Year = A New You…is that true?

The start of a new year is fun because it feels like a fresh start. New Year’s resolutions are made, but how often are they continued?

I can’t remember a single resolution that I have been able to maintain. Whether it’s cleaning the house, exercising more, drinking more water, and the list goes on. While I can muscle through the tasks for a season, eventually I end up back to my old ways. I’ll feel defeated for a day and then move on with life and tell myself next year is the year!

The truth is I am unable to make lasting changes in my life on my own. The only lasting changes have been ones that God has made. His promise to make me a new creation is as true today as the day I placed my trust in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). God is continually transforming me to be more like Christ.

Several years ago I was hiking in Oregon with my brother and he made a comment I’ll never forget. He told me I was a lot nicer than I used to be. At first it felt a little like an insult, but rather it’s evidence of the work God is doing in my life and I couldn’t be more grateful.

So this year, instead of making resolutions I know I won’t keep, I am going to continue seeking God through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. I thank the Lord often for those I have built relationships with over the years, because they have allowed Him to work through them for my benefit. If that’s you, thank you!

Happy New Year!


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