Choosing Truth Blog

Choosing Truth in a season of want…

Choosing Truth in a season of want…

About five years ago my husband and I made a split second decision to upgrade my iPad and give him my old one. I immediately jumped in my car, drove...

Choosing Truth in a season of want…

About five years ago my husband and I made a split second decision to upgrade my iPad and give him my old one. I immediately jumped in my car, drove...

A New Year = A New You…is that true?

A New Year = A New You…is that true?

The start of a new year is fun because it feels like a fresh start. New Year’s resolutions are made, but how often are they continued?

A New Year = A New You…is that true?

The start of a new year is fun because it feels like a fresh start. New Year’s resolutions are made, but how often are they continued?

My Gideon Experience

My Gideon Experience

"I was good at pitching, and I knew it. I just didn’t realize how much God was doing." God showed me how His power is made perfect in my weakness,...

My Gideon Experience

"I was good at pitching, and I knew it. I just didn’t realize how much God was doing." God showed me how His power is made perfect in my weakness,...

I can’t afford to pay for my sins...

I can’t afford to pay for my sins...

“Our eyes still fail, looking in vain for our help. In our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save.” - Lamentations 4:17 We are wrapping up...

I can’t afford to pay for my sins...

“Our eyes still fail, looking in vain for our help. In our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save.” - Lamentations 4:17 We are wrapping up...

Am I able to understand Scripture?

Am I able to understand Scripture?

My first degree was in English Literature, and God has used it in so many ways! One of the ways was proof reading papers for a friend working through seminary....

Am I able to understand Scripture?

My first degree was in English Literature, and God has used it in so many ways! One of the ways was proof reading papers for a friend working through seminary....

Where was I when God laid the foundations of the earth?

Where was I when God laid the foundations of th...

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” - Job 38:4God asked Job this after Job had lost everything. His family, wealth, health…all of it gone in...

Where was I when God laid the foundations of th...

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” - Job 38:4God asked Job this after Job had lost everything. His family, wealth, health…all of it gone in...