I can’t afford to pay for my sins...

I can’t afford to pay for my sins...

“Our eyes still fail, looking in vain for our help. In our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save.” - Lamentations 4:17

We are wrapping up our Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) study titled Kingdom Divided. We have worked through God dividing the 12 tribes into Judah and Israel, the prophets pleading with the people to turn from their sin, and now we are studying their destruction. God warned them repeatedly to turn from their sin, but they refused and continued to live life as they saw fit.

Lamentations chapter 4 brought me to tears tonight as I read the horror they went through. My tears came at the realization that Christ suffered the same to pay for my sins. It is so easy for me to see my sin as a minor problem. I can ignore it, because Jesus paid for my sins, so that is crossed off my to-do list. God’s mercies are new every day because I still sin every day. I should be face-on-the-ground thanking God every day because of what Jesus gave to me.

But I’m not...

I live a distracted life, chasing after the next greatest thing, when Jesus should be my only focus. Tonight I cry for my sin, and the pain I put Jesus through. Tonight I thank God from the bottom of my heart that he could forgive me. My future is filled with hope because of Jesus, and nothing I have done.

Have you given control of your life to Christ? Have you humbly asked for Him to forgive you of your sins? If you haven’t, why not? Your sin will either be paid for by Christ, or by you. The choice is yours. If you think you can handle paying for your sin, please read Lamentations chapter 4 before you make a final decision. Sin is expensive.

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